How to be a youtuber and have a successful career in 2021
Like everything, you need to put in the hard work if you want to see the results, and that’s why in this article we’re going to teach you what you need to know before you start a Youtube career and tips for becoming a Youtuber.
Even though Youtube has been around for 16 years, people still like to fantasize about the thought of being a successful “Youtuber”, and it's no wonder why. Forbes estimated that a YouTuber can make about $5 for every 1,000 video views.
With the average YouTube pay rate hovering between $0.01 and $0.03 for an ad view, a YouTuber can make around $18 per 1,000 ad views, which comes out to $3 to $5 per 1,000 video views. Youtubers everywhere like to think about making a career out of uploading videos, but it is so much more than that.
Like everything, you need to put in the hard work if you want to see the results, and that’s why in this article we’re going to teach you what you need to know before you start a Youtube career and tips for becoming a Youtuber.
Youtube 101:
With more than 31 million YouTube channels out there, there are a couple of things to need to know before starting a Youtube channel if you want to be successful.
1- Consistency is key.
If you worry too much about having the perfect video ever, you’ll never move forward. You need to have a goal. Whether it is publishing 3 videos a month or 1 video per week, set a goal you know you’ll be able to achieve and stick to it.
2- Gear up.
It’s not vital that you have the latest technology when starting, but it is important that you have the basics. Two main considerations when choosing a camcorder or camera should be audio and image stabilization.
3- Learn when to delete something.
Having a 10 minute video with 10 different clips of the same building just because it had a different angle is just as bad as not uploading a video, or even worse. Don’t be afraid to chop off parts where you feel it is not up to the quality standards or feel it’s just not the best. Choose the best shots and then delete the rest.
4- Make SEO a part of your routine.
SEO is not just for Google, if you want your videos to rank high you need to do more than just film, edit and upload. Give your video a descriptive title, use smart tags that describe what your video is about, add keywords to your descriptions, etc.
5- Get inspired.
Using inspiration from other Youtubers is not a sin, it’s actually a common technique from other creators. Look for videos that resonate with your niche and put a spin to it, apply your own technique and make it unique. You can also use inspiration out of other platforms like TikTok or Netflix.
6- Keep it simple.
Don’t worry about creating a video with a million elements when, in reality, using a couple could have done a much better job. If this is your first time editing a video, it’ll likely slow you down, confuse you and make you want to quit the first 3 hours. Choose a simple editing software that isn’t going to cause you a mental breakdown every time you try to edit a video.
7- Don’t abandon audio quality.
Have you ever watched a video where the audio was so bad you had to stop it? If there’s one thing that can completely ruin a video, it’s not being able to hear what you are saying. And, shockingly, when it comes to audio a lot of YouTubers tend to ignore that aspect of the product. Paying attention to the nuances is what will make or break your final output.
8- Network
YouTube is a very community driven platform so go out there and make some friends. Find channels you like and leave a comment, take a genuine interest in people and the content they are producing, and others will take an interest in you too. Also, don’t forget to share your videos. Start getting active on social media and set up an effective distribution process so that your content gets as many views as possible.
9- Develop a thick skin.
Getting negative comments is a normal part of a content creator’s life. That’s the downside of a social platform, anyone can say whatever they feel like saying and just hide behind a keyboard. Creating videos and sharing them with the world puts you in a vulnerable position, you never know who’s watching or what their reactions are going to be, but all you can do is create content you are proud of, focus on the positive feedback, and ignore anything that isn’t constructive.
10- Study other Youtubers.
There are loads to be learned from Yotubers in terms of production quality, camera angles, communication style, etc. Whenever you see a cool shot or an unusual angle, ask yourself, “How did they do that?” and then rewind, go watch it again, and pay attention to the way the camera is moving.
Extra tips:
Now that you know the basics, here are some extra tips to keep in mind when starting your Youtube career:
- Define your niche and remember it: have a clear idea of which industries you’ll be focusing on in your videos.
- Develop your channel’s goals and content: map out your content schedule and brainstorm ideas.
- Make sure your channel page is welcoming: include a link with all your social media platforms.
- Manage your community like a boss: engage with your community on other social networks as well. Being socially present on multiple networks shows that you are available and committed to your community.
- Learn from your analytics: analytics will allow you to get insight on the people who are watching your videos, which allows you to hone into your target demographic even further. It will also give you a better idea as to why one video may have performed better than another.
- And last but certainly not least, be consistent.
In conclusion
You’re probably excited by now and want to get started ASAP, but make sure to remember that you can’t get “Youtube rich” overnight. And although this can be frustrating and it can be hard to stay motivated, use these tips and strategies and keep on grinding at Youtube, because those efforts really snowball and pay off over time.
And remember, having a successful communication with your audience is key, and using Magic Ly can help you get your audience to get access easily to your content with just one click.
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