How to help your Child to move from a Montessori school to a Traditional School?

Schooling is a critical factor in the early years, and every parent is concerned about how their child's children will transition from Montessori to traditional school. Mostly, the parents are focused on the main 2 points: one is academics and another is socialization. In this blog, the Montessori Pasadena CA team has mentioned some tips that will help your child transition from a Montessori school to a traditional school.

Have a look:

Seek guidance

In the beginning, you need guidance from the school’s staff. They frequently supported kids going through transitions and helped them ease into the Montessori way of life.

Let your child be familiar with the new environment

Additionally, your child must become accustomed to the school and its surroundings. You can do this by showing them around the school and arranging to meet the staff. You could even demonstrate to them how other kids learn while having fun. Your youngster is more likely to study and seek knowledge in their new school when they feel at ease in their surroundings.

Recognize the primary age and developmental stage of the child.

As they develop, children learn. Be prepared if you notice that your elementary-aged child is acting differently from how they did while they were in primary school. This is a typical stage of their growth.

Expect to see:

Your child might be more engaged in class in elementary school after being so conscientious about working quietly in primary school.

As they try to build relationships with others, they might talk a lot more.

Adolescents will almost certainly be bargaining and addressing problems as they learn how to deal with social situations.

They will take part in group projects and classes more frequently.

How to assist this developmental stage:

Instead of rescuing your child, encourage them to solve problems and assist them in learning how to navigate social settings on their own. They get useful social skills as a result.

But like with any change for your child, it's acceptable for you as a parent to feel a little anxious. At any age, authenticity is a desirable quality.


After spending so many years in a Montessori school, the Montessori South Pasadena CA team tells you that your six-year-old is bright and curious enough to move up to Montessori Elementary.

We must say that Montessori elementary education is truly a gift for your child. They always want to join a unique classroom community and have an educational experience that has been proven to have better outcomes than conventional education.

As with any transition for your child, however, it’s normal for you as a parent to be a bit nervous. This is also true; you need to help a lot of them to make their futures brighter in comparison to other days. You can connect with us if you are looking for a place to prepare your child for further study.