Child-led Montessori Activities you Must Try in your Classroom

Montessori schools are established to encourage the child-centered method of education. Schools try child-led activities in the classroom or playground with the toddlers. Children of different ages and teachers encourage independence among their pupils. Below we have revealed some Montessori activities from Montessori Pasadena CA professionals you must try in your school.

Have a look.

Washing the Window

Window! Interesting? Or not, it can be dish washing. As per the expert guide, the kitchen becomes boring for the kids like household chores. However, this is a very interesting and valuable task for Montessori’s kids. When your kid learns how to wash the window, they can use their hands to engage the environment and practice new skills.

Give the spray bottle to your kid and ask them to distribute water across the window. Let them practice with their big arm movements and clamp the spray mechanism at the same time. These activities help children to develop fine motor skills and teach them responsible ways to interact with the family and home environments.

Gluing Paper

Gluing paper is another activity that comes up with different learning concepts. Teachers employ several types of gluing methods depending on the students' motor skills and age— some students may use Popsicle sticks or Q-tips to apply glue to a page, while others may rehearse scraping glue from the bottle.

Gluing activities help children develop adequate motor skills and showcase their creativity.

Dressing Frames

That is also a crucial part of Montessori activities for independent learning and development, it will tell your kids to learn how to dress themselves: a vital activity in self-sufficiency and learning autonomy.

Essentially, dressing frames would be wooden towers consisting of three levels. These structures support 12 different "frames," three on each of their four sides, and include numerous materials and fasteners that children commonly see on clothing. A few standard dressing frames help children practice zippers, buttons, and buckles.

Puzzle Maps

It helps the children to learn geography in an engaging, hands-on way. Most kids struggle to visualize the world’s layout and shape, especially when they only see a flat paper map. Puzzle maps allow children to understand the world’s learned and shape the placements of countries and continents about one another.

Vegetable Cards

Vegetable classification cards help your child learn and identify the names of different vegetables. Also, these cards will not help you only with visual learning and linguistics, but also they encourage children to feel more comfortable with trying new foods.


When you familiarize your kids with a new vegetable at the dinner table, then they visualize back to the vegetable classification card, it will make the new food less unfamiliar.

 Classification Cards

Classification cards are Montessori activities that help the kids name and identify objects in their environment. Mainly, each item comes with three classification cards: one card with the object’s name, one with a picture of the object, and one with the image and name together. That will help the kid to match the name and picture cards by comparing them to the control card.

These classification cards also develop reading skills early and make an independent way for children to discover their environment.


These are some activities you must try at your Montessori school it will help you to know the capacity and also falls off the kid. If you are looking to send your kids to any preschool or childcare, our Preschool Pasadena CA can be a better option for you our team tries its best to guide the children through this crucial and critical period of development with proper love, care, and dedication within our safe and secure facility.